Thursday, May 17, 2012

basement mural

Here's how the paint sample mural turned out.

basement studio mural
The storage bench on the right is actually 2 benches that I found in the trash that I stacked and had my dad add pegs to secure.

I still have a ton of paint left over after painting the wall and the storage bench. I probably only used about $6 worth.


Thursday, May 10, 2012

The chocolate version

No, it is not a creepy roach party, it is the chocolate covered almond attempt.  For this version I used unsweetened cocoa powder, light corn syrup, sugar, water, vanilla extract, and a couple splashes of milk. Looks like a scene from a horror movie, but tastes yumsy.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Candied Almonds

A super quick sweet treat using ingredients I already had at home. In a pan I heated almonds, a little bit of water, maple sugar, and light corn syrup. When all the sugar dissolved and coated the almonds I flattened them out on wax paper to cool.

Monday, May 07, 2012

It's Pat...

My painting from the weekend workshop I just did.

Friday, May 04, 2012

Dipping into the oil paint...

I recently added images to my Painting & Sketch blog of some life studies that I did last week.  Above is a painting of dead roses from back in February.  It is kind of rough and abstract but I like how it looks in the rustic white wooden frame.  I am going to monitor another painting workshop this weekend at The Art Students League and will be working on a 2-day pose, I am hoping to get a more developed piece out of it.

First Knee-High Boots Results

Here's how the boots turned out with the chartreuse lining. I originally wanted to keep the zipper exposed, but it looked cheap so my teacher suggested I add a covering with snap closures. I learned a lot from making these (lots o' mistakes) that I can apply to my next boot.

A few of the bigger mistakes:
1. Not using a boot shaper /support caused the leather to wrinkle.  I bought the one I'm using now from Manhattan Wardrobe Supply.
2. Not creating a zipper cover for the inside. Metal teeth + foot heel = ouchy!
3. Not testing the wax finish on piece of scrap leather first ~ uneven dye job on the sole. :(

I feel like a highway patrol officer when I wear these. I might be tempted to make a few citizen arrests or give out a few fines for when dog owners leave poopage by my place... grrrr... or junior high litterers arrghhh...or disturbances of the peace by guido car horns...double argh.  Ok now I sound like a pirate, so I will stop.
