I.Q. down the Drainz

Some green tea with a few biscuits. I tried putting some bashed up candy canes in it after I saw Danny Seo's tip about grinding them up. I didn't have a coffee grinder so I used a good ol' hammer in the middle of the night. My neighbors must loooove me.
I had some red fabric scraps laying around so I decided to attempt to make a patchworky pouch. I think it came out interesting.
Does anyone know what a skeeve shot is? When I was kid to protect yourself from someone who is skeevy/gross you would give yourself a fake injection with your finger... circle,circle,dot,dot, now I have the skeeve shot.
So don't try to give me your skeeves because I've been immunized. :)
This is the first thing I thought of for the topic Peace. I plan on getting back into IF in '07. It is a good exercise for the brainz.
so far this reminder hasn't worked. Since I had this sign up i bought the robot that sweeps and mops your floor (not cheap) and another house shelf off of ebay. I definitely did my part this year to support the US economy (and also Japan's economy while I was at it!)
I would like to wish all my flickr buddies, blog perusers and So Softies adoptive parents a very happy holiday and a prosperous artsy craftsy new year!
I had some pieces of canvas laying around given to me by a friend who decided to quit painting...since I was/am too lazy to stretch my own damn canvases I finally found a good use for it after over a year! I plan on sewing this into something, maybe a wall hanging or a pillow?
Next year I want to take a printmaking class for sure. fo' shizzle.
Now available in my shop!
note: It is not as roughly textured as it appears in the photo, it was hard to photograph due to the shiny nature of the embroidery.
Here is my latest producto! It may cause a strawberry overdose, but that was a risk I was willing to take. I am going to add it to my shop in sets of 10 sheets with 10 large green envelopes. Is 10 sheets too many? Should I do sets of 5?
hello kids! Did you miss me??
I had a great time in Boston. The Cyclorama is a great space to hold a fair. Although they stuck me in a corner outside the main area, I still had a great time and met many nice New Englanders! I can't believe how beautiful Boston is as a city, I could totally see myself living there. Now who wants to give me a few mill. so I can move to Boston?? anyone? ;)
Me and my worker (a.k.a the boyfriend, babycakes) stayed at the Marriott at Copley Place. I highly recommend using Priceline's name your own price, I got an amazing price for an awesome hotel in a kick arse area! I am/was very excited/proud about that. I would say I paid less for this 4 star hotel than I would have for a crappy no name 3 star. I'm still patting my back about this as you may sense from this post.
Friday night was the Baz Biz party which was a lot of fun. I got a chance to meet some of the other vendors, which was lovely. What was also lovely was the cupcakes and prizes. Yes, cupcakes and prizes, what could be better?!
After the fair on Saturday we went to eat at The Cheesecake Factory because we were starving and it was really close to the hotel. After waiting an HOUR for a table I was pretty grumpy and practically passing out over my food.
Sunday we had breakfast at the South End Buttery. Any place that has BUTTER in the title is my kind of eatery! This place was so cute I wanted to spend the whole day in there sipping my coffee.
I only took 2 pictures the whole weekend which is pretty sad...above is one of them, it is titled, " Zombie woman with sore crafty fingertips behind table". Catchy title, isn't it?
Soon I will post the new goods I will have in my shop!
by Shinzi Katoh
I am going to use it to carry water for my watercolor set. I found it on ebay.
I made these for the fair on Saturday. I am totally freaking out right now because I don't have enough stuff to put on the table. I only had 2 months to prepare!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
demonstrated by Twittering Bird. Here is Timmie pictured at the Alamo! Seeing pictures like this makes my life feel worthwhile! Thanks Cassie!
My first daily planner! So exciting. 2007 will be a very organized year.
Timmies and I'm Lovely Pears have arrived at the Occupied Shoppe in Vancouver! If you are in the area go check them out.
A horizontal style I'm lovely notepad. Only $5 buckaroons, get it while it's lovely.
Here is the direct link.
my latest softie