Monday, March 26, 2012

A boot and a couple of new tools

This past week I've been working on a pair of nubuck boots. Well, really one boot. I wanted to make one first to test out the pattern/design and to see if actually fits. I've been walking around my place with one boot on all morning and I find it pretty comfortable except for where the big toe proximal phalange meets the metatarsals. I need to thin down or cut off the leather of the boot tongue at that point. 

My friend Mu Pan has a show up now at 3rd Ward in Brooklyn. While I was there I noticed they were selling a small selection of beeee-utiful tools, stationery, work wear, etc... I purchased this shiny red utility knife, not because I needed a knife, but because everyone knows that shiny red objects in your life make everything better. Also I bought it because it was embossed Made in America and didn't hurt the wallet at $5. I also purchased this metal scribe which I plan on using to mark seam allowances on my leather projects. Yaaaay tools!


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