Here here Miss M! You tell 'em! (what sort of people read these rags anyway?) ...on the other hand, your magazine looks a LOT better! I'm sure I'd get a lot of laughs out of it anyway! :-D
This is so cool! I enjoyed reading the cover! I wanted to read more, since I know your interpretation would have been a hoot! Wonderful illustration, unique take on the prompt and funny text! This is a winner!
Did you know she was on the cover of this month's cosmo or did you just really think that!? Ha! That picture that you linked looks even more like my illo than the cover!
Love it. Agree. I stopped reading this magazine when I left my teenage years and reading is back then was only cool because of the sex. I honestly cannot understand why anyone buys it. I prefer your issue.
Funny thing is that I did know that ScarJo was on the cover this month, but in looking for a pic to link to my comment, that was the first one that Google gave me. : D
Here here Miss M! You tell 'em!
(what sort of people read these rags anyway?)
...on the other hand, your magazine looks a LOT better! I'm sure I'd get a lot of laughs out of it anyway! :-D
G, Don't be surprised if issues of Cosmowhore start showing up at your doorstep :D
Agreed 100%! Great illustration, and your cover article teasers are hilarious. :D
Haha! You go girl!
Amen to that!
LOL! great illo! i had fun reading the bylines! too funny! :D
This is so cool! I enjoyed reading the cover! I wanted to read more, since I know your interpretation would have been a hoot! Wonderful illustration, unique take on the prompt and funny text! This is a winner!
this made me laugh out loud, you are so awesome!
Miss M, I'm sure a LOT of us would PAY good moolah for a subscription to Cosmowhore (Patrizio style)! Woo hoo! Me for one! ;-)
I'd like to write for this magazine.
[approval stamp]
You're hired!
That pig, I'm sorry to say, looks an awful lot like Scarlett Johansson. : O
Did you know she was on the cover of this month's cosmo or did you just really think that!? Ha! That picture that you linked looks even more like my illo than the cover!
HA! This is hilarious!
My favorite line is "WAYS TO PLEASE YOUR HUNKY BOAR and have him oinking for more." That's so pathetically right on!
Kyle's Scarlett Johansson comparison is hysterical! :)
Love it. Agree. I stopped reading this magazine when I left my teenage years and reading is back then was only cool because of the sex. I honestly cannot understand why anyone buys it. I prefer your issue.
Clever, clever, clever!
This one of my faves!
This is great! Love it.
OMG! Kyle! I almost spit out my tea! :-O That is hi-larious!!! :-D
Funny thing is that I did know that ScarJo was on the cover this month, but in looking for a pic to link to my comment, that was the first one that Google gave me. : D
That's too funny. Love it.
:D I'd love to read your magazine! :D Nicely done!
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