I bought all these things from giant robot and they sure are making me happy everytime I look at them!
That mug is adorable. Makes me happy to look at it :)
I found your blog through some bizzarre and random clicking pattern (due to boredom!)what is this wonderfull giant robot? an online shop? this stuff is fantastic!Cyn
www.giantrobot.com I bought my stuff from the store but I am sure they are selling the same products online.
The Japanese culture sure comes up with wierd names for their product lines. 'Cramcream' sounds like a lube used for inserting colonoscopes. I should know; I had a colonoscopy last year.
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That mug is adorable. Makes me happy to look at it :)
I found your blog through some bizzarre and random clicking pattern (due to boredom!)
what is this wonderfull giant robot? an online shop? this stuff is fantastic!
I bought my stuff from the store but I am sure they are selling the same products online.
The Japanese culture sure comes up with wierd names for their product lines. 'Cramcream' sounds like a lube used for inserting colonoscopes. I should know; I had a colonoscopy last year.
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